
Dockstart equipment

In this collection you will find the best dock-start products.

Do you want to know what is dock-starting? Read the article below or contact us if you want to know more.

A dockstart is when a rider uses the dock to help them start riding a foil. The dock is used as a fulcrum point to generate the lift needed to get the foil board and rider up on the hydrofoil.

Dock starting is the ideal activity for windless on waveless days, when there is no other way to get up on the foil. It is also a great activity for beginners, as it allows them to practice and learn the basic foil movements in a controlled environment.

To dockstart, the rider holds the foil board next to the dock with the foil in the water. The rider, after a short run-start, jumps on the board and by using the momentum generated and the swing (up and down AKA: Pump movement) movement keeps gliding on the water.

Obviously is easier said than done and it takes some time and practice to master dock-starting. This is why we have put together a few tips that will help you get started:

  •  Choose a dock that is sturdy and won't move when you jump on the board.
  •  Make sure the dock is high enough so you can comfortably jump on the board. A good height
  • Choose a dock without poles close to the edge or close to the "launch area" as they can damge the hydrofoil.
  • Don't forget your safety gear ! dockstarting can be dangerous so always wear a life jacket and helmet.

Why dockstarting is " Hot"?

Dockstarting is a great way to get in to hydrofoiling , it is relatively easy compared to kitesurfing  and it is a lot of fun. Dockstarting is also a great workout and it is a great way to enjoy the outdoors with friends

There are many reasons why dockstarting is becoming so popular, but we think the main reason is that it is just so much fun! So what are you waiting for, go out and try dockstarting today!

What kind of equipment i need for dockstarting?

The most important piece of equipment you need for dockstarting is a hydrofoil board and obviously a hydrofoil.  


A hydrofoil with a wide span will offer unmatched glide ability. Sabfoil introduced lately the Leviathan foil line, specific for pumping. The foils come in different sizes from 950 to 1550. The two biggest sizes 1350 and 1550 are ideal for riders between 70-100 kg for dock starting. The ideal mast length is between 70-75 cm but 80-83 works as well for docks that sit higher on the water


It is possible to use any kind of foil board for this practice but a kite foil board or prone surf foil board will work the best  . The ideal board length is between 100 cm and 130 cm.


it is recommended to wear a long wetsuit, an impact vest, a helmet and shoes especially in the beginning. The foil is sharp and the board har, the chance of hitting one of the two is very high, especially in the beginning.


How to dockstart? Dockstarting technique

There are 2 main ways to dock start, one is the running start and the other one is the jump start.

Jump Start: the jumpstart, as the name says, require a push of the board forward, in order to get the lift and to jump on it. The jump start works better with foils that don't require a high flying speed as for example the Sabfoil Leviathan 1550 or the Axis PNG 1150. Is important to push the board forward with energy and jump on it trying to keep the weight centered on the foil board.

Running Start: The running start require an in-run in order to get the foil flying and is necessary for hydrofoils that have a high flying speed and for example the Axis  PNG 1310. This technique is more technical but the biggest advantage is that you are not required to jump on the board but to step on it making this phase more efficient as there is less loss of balance.


Which is the best dockstart-ing technique?

Honestly there is not a better start, it depends from multiple factors:

  • The type hydrofoil : some foils have a higher and some a slower flying speed, this means that you have to adjust to the foil requirements
  • Location: the size influences the kind of dockstarting technique you are going to use. If we ideally have a long dock we are able to choose between the two starts, otherwise we need to adapt to the dock characteristics with the right start. 

Final considerations


Dockstarting is very addictive and socially enjoyable but we recommend to first check what kind of dock are you going to use before purchasing the equipment. Many times the wrong product choice will lead to NO success and frustration.

If you have questions please feel free to contact us or call the shop. From the spring time it is possible to join our dock start free clinics and try this new water sport


See you on the dock!!!


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